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In this informative video, we dive deep into the fascinating world of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). If you've ever wondered why your muscles ache a day or two after an intense workout, you're in the right place! Join us as we unravel the science behind DOMS, exploring its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, effective strategies to alleviate and prevent that post-workout soreness. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just curious about the mysteries of muscle pain, this video is a must-watch. Say goodbye to wondering why you can't sit down after leg day – let's conquer DOMS toget
Emmett Till, Carolyn Bryant, and how white America sanctioned this tragedy. In this video, we delve into the news of Carolyn Bryant's death and the brutal lynching of Emmett Till. This mashup comes from members of the new black media.
1 Learn to play America's fastest growing board game. We think it is more than a fad. Kess is a new classic that comes from Wisconsin. It is not clear what group of Board Games to include it under. It does not have the head-hurting complexity of Chess. It does not use any dice or coins or spinners, so Kess is pretty much a game of skill and strategy.

You can also download and play the iOS or Android version but our recommendation is that you try the physical board game, lay it open on your dinner table, and play it as you wait for dinner to get ready.